About the Company:
HoneySpree is a social enterprise that provides gifts for all occasions. All gifts are hand-wrapped by underprivileged Stay-At-Home-Mums who would otherwise be unemployed without the opportunity we provide them through HoneySpree. HoneySpree was established in 2011 and has grown into one of Singapore's leading online gift retailers, delivering over 200,000 gifts nationwide each year. As a responsible employer, we offer our Stay-At-Home-Mums flexible working arrangements, part-time working arrangements and we do not have a retirement age.
We currently have a network of 10 Stay-At-Home-Mums working with us, with a majority of them working from their homes. We are on a mission to empower 100 Stay-At-Home-Mums towards financial independence, one gift at a time.
HoneySpree Pte Ltd
2 Kim Chuan Drive #08-05 Singapore 537080

About the
The Founder
As a champion for women empowerment, Beth was the past President in Singapore Business and Professional Women’s Association. Beth’s experience serving in various women associations made her aware of the adversity facing many SAHMs and this is what led her to create HoneySpree’s social mission of providing employment for SAHMs. Our goal is to empower 100 SAHMs to have financial independence while choosing to devote their time to their family.