About the Company:

LDR is a leading award-winning mobile tech platform company that is incorporated in 2008 in singapore. The company is principally engaged in the business of prociding eLearning, mobile learning and location-ased mobile apps and AR/VR/MR solutions for MOE, MINDEF and other government agencies through its proprietary platform (iPLUS). The company has been leveraging on its location-based tech platform to transform indoor and outdoor experiences for education and tourism sector, nurturing a growing ecosystem for vendors, businesses and event organisers, and for doing good to support the community. It has expaded its operations beyond Singapore with far reaching user base in countries such as Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines.
CEO Png Bee Hin strong believes that all businesses should set up merely to help advance social causes, such as helping to create new jobs in a rapidly changing world, integration communities, uplifting people from poverty and in helping people to be better stewards of our environment. For this reasons, LDR has assisted in setting two social enterprises under CLG (Company Limited by Guarantee) status, namely Tourism for Good and CAforGood.
Tourism for Good works with Global Tix (booking platform provider), Actxplorer (Travel Agency), Salvaton Army and Lakeside Services (both of which are charities with IPC status), River Cruise/Gardern by the Bay and Dignity Kitchen (food provider run by disable personnel) to bring underserved members of our society such as youth-at-risks, elderly folks and foreign workers for selected tours of Singapore via donated Singapore Rediscover Vouchers (SRVs).
CAforGood works with Traveloka (booking platform), Actxplorer (Travel Agency), Boys Brigade and Equal Ark (both of which are also charieis with IPC status, to bring underserved members of our society such as autistic children, abandoned children, children under financials assistance schemed for slected trails of Singapore via donated SRV..
LDR also helped to mitigate the small number of spectators that could attend this year's NDP Parade & Show by creating a free Heart of Singapore AR trail for all Singaporeans to enjoy. The AR trail comprises 22 hotspots that tell the story of the Birth of Nation at Singapore River; Roots of Multicultural Singapore at Chinatown; and the Remaking of Singapore at Marina Bay and Gardens by the Bay, The trail is also packed with 800+ discount coupons from participating vendors with AR wayfinding features to help users easily navigage and discover them. LDR's gift to the nation caught the attention of CNA which decided to do a special features for the company. Pse see the link for CNA's coverage below. https://youtu.be/VjaKQJySUKc
LDR Pte Ltd
LDR Technology Pte Ltd
Blk 1004 Toa Payoh North #04-12 Singapore 318995

"If you wish to see deep and sustainable change to place in your organisation, don't talk about it. Rather, equipped your people with the necessary knowledge, framework and tools, and change will be its natural course."
About the
CEO & Founder - Bee Hin Png
Png Bee Hin is the Founder and CEO of LDR Technology, a Singapore-based tech platform provider specialising in location-based experiential apps and AI solutioning for the education, training ad hospitality sectors in the Asia Pacific region for more than 12 years. Prior to being CEO of LDR, Bee Hin had held senior appointments in the Ministry of Defence, Singapore Armed Fores and ST Electronics. Previous appointments include Commander 7th SIB, Commander OCS; Director MINDEF Shared Service CEntre; and Vice President, Managed Services in ST Electronics.
An educator at heart, Bee Hin pioneered location-based experiential app in Singapore and successfully built an award-winning location-based authoring platform using a confluence of GPS, Blue-Tooth, Image Recognition technology and adance pedagogy to transform outdoor learning, support social integration, family bonding and coroporate cohesion.The solution won the Singapore Infocom Technological Federation (SITF) Gold Award as the most innovative platform (Enterprise) as well as the Asia Pacific ICT Award (APICTA) Silver. LDR's solution has impacted more than 350,000 participants from the various industries over 5 different countries worldwide.
Since then, Bee Hin has gone on to build an integrated Platfrom for Location-based Unified Services (iPLUS) that enables individuals and businesses without programming knowledge to rapidly create their own interactive content, onboard vendors and configure new digital catelogues with eComerce and real time business analytics & financial performnace tracking capability to impact the marketplace.
Bee Hin firmly believes that for deep and sustainble change to take place in any society, individuals needs only be equipped with the necessary knowledge, framework and tools to bring about the desired change.