About the Company:

World Toilet Organization was founded on 19 November 2001 and the inaugural World Toilet Summit was held on the same day, the first global summit of its kind. We recognized the need for an international day to draw global attention to the sanitation crisis – and so we established World Toilet Day on 19 November. World Toilet Day has continued to garner support over the years, with NGOs, the private sector, civil society organizations, and the international community joined in to mark the global day.
World Toilet Organization
65 6352 8921
26 Ubi Road 4, The Besco Building, Singapore 408613

"We are proud that the World Toilet Organisation is a global brand. It puts Singapore on the world map."
About the
Founder - Jack Sim
Widely known as Mr. Toilet, Singaporean Jack Sim is a leading social entrepreneur who broke the taboo around toilets by bringing the sanitation crisis to center stage. Through World Toilet Organization, the Singapore-based global NGO he founded, Jack has mobilized a global movement involving governments, policymakers, UN agencies, international civil society, thought leaders, and activists to work together to address the sanitation challenge. A highly successful businessman with more than 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, at the age of 40 Jack decided to devote the rest of his life to social work.
Jack Sim is the founder of the World Toilet Organization and the BoP HUB and a leading global advocate for sanitation. Formerly in the construction industry, he founded the World Toilet Organization in 2001, after attaining financial independence at age of 40 and deciding to devote the rest of his life to social work.
In 2001 World Toilet Organization (WTO) declared its founding day 19 November as World Toilet Day. In 2013, 19 November was designated as UN World Toilet Day - the day is now celebrated globally each year as a day to raise awareness of the need for action to end the sanitation crisis.
For ‘creating goodwill and bringing the subject into the open and ‘mobilizing national support in providing on-the-ground expertise’ Jack Sim received the Schwab Foundation award for Social Entrepreneur of the Year in 2001. In 2007, Jack became one of the key members to convene the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance composed of key players for sanitation. He is an Ashoka Global Fellow and was named one of the Heroes of the Environment for 2008 by Time Magazine.