Winning with Honour: The Short Term versus The Long Term

We are in unchartered waters as the entire world grapples with the rapidly evolving Covid-19 pandemic. How do we deal with an unanticipated and unwelcome situation? “Never waste a crisis,” so it is said. Let's explore the opportunities in these times and how we must win with honour.
Join Professor Lim, who was named the Institute of Policy Studies’ fourth SR Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore and first Principal Private Secretary to Singapore’s founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew and chairs the Board
of Directors of Honour (Singapore), a charity that seeks to promote a culture of honour and honouring.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
6:00 AM
7:30 AM
Complimentary ZOOM Webinar
Guest Speakers

Professor Lim Siong Guan
Former Group President, GIC
Lim Siong Guan is a Professor in the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, instructing on leadership and change management. He is Advisor to the Group Executive Committee of GIC. GIC is the fund manager for the foreign financial reserves of Singapore. He was the Group President of GIC from 2007 to 2016. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Senior Fellow of the Singapore Civil Service College.
He has chaired the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (2004-2006), the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (2004-2006) and, the Central Provident Fund Board (1986-1994), and has been a board member of many companies including Temasek, the other sovereign wealth fund manager of Singapore.
Siong Guan has co-authored with Joanne H. Lim two books. The first was “The Leader, The Teacher & You – Leadership Through the Third Generation,” a book on leadership and governance, which won the Singapore Literature Prize for non-fiction in 2014. The second was "Winning with Honour in Relationships, Family, Organisations, Leadership, and Life, a book on winning in life and work.
He is the founder chairman of Honour (Singapore), a charity that seeks to promote the culture of honour and honouring in Singapore. He is a SwissRe Group Advisor and a member of the International Board of the Stars Foundation, a Swiss foundation that promotes leadership development for leaders of the next generation.

Alan Ng
Brands For Good
Alan spent 8 years in International Enterprise Singapore and 3 years in Intellectual Property Office of Singapore before becoming a consultant to many local SMEs and International Organisation such as Asian Development Bank since 2015.