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Submission Guidelines for Powerpoint Presentation

Based on your nomination category selected
(as submitted in your Nomination Form),
(A) Environment, (B) Workplace or (C) Community,
please follow the submission guidelines in your powerpoint
to explain your corporate impact.

The data presented in your powerpoint is strictly confidential and is only viewed by the Brands For Good Judging Committee only.

For your convenience,
we have a downloadable version
of the "Submission-Guidelines" for your PPT Presentation.

<< Do click on the PDF icon on the left

[A] Corporate Level



Submission Guide


[A1] Business Model

  • Describe the company’s business model

  • Briefly introduce the company, industry and business that the company operates in:

    • e.g revenue model,

    • business activities,

    • unique selling proposition.

  • Do include:

    • business activities

    • products and services as well as

    • company milestones and

    • achievements.

Submission Guide




[A2] Company Values

  • Describe the Company’s:

    • Mission,

    • Values and

    • Brand Concept.

  • What is the:

    • significance of
      the brand and

    • what does it mean to

      • customers,

      • employees,

      • partners and

      • society.

  • Do explain the Brand’s:

    • competitive advantages as well as

    • any marketing strategies surrounding these values.

  • Specifics could include:

    • corporate beliefs,

    • Brand Vision &

    • Mission, Brand Values,

    • Brand Promise.

  • How are these institutionalised within the organisation and translated in its communication?

[B] Stakeholder Level

[B1] Branding

  • Briefly describe the stakeholders to the brand

  • Describe the groups of people (individuals, companies, organisations, society) that the brand identifies are key stakeholders and

  • why are they important to the brand.

  • These may include:

    • shareholders,

    • customers,

    • suppliers,

    • employees, community,

    • media.



Submission Guide


[B2] Brand

  • Do share how the brand determines the needs of its stakeholders

  • Translating the brand mission and values into action:

    • do share the processes used in determining the interest of the stakeholders

  • Explain any other practices and initiatives that the brand conducts to ensure responsibility
    to stakeholders.

  • This could be through:

    • regular meetings,

    • feedback sessions,

    • experience gathering,

    • through online media:

      • owned,

      • earned and/or

      • paid media,

      • public or

      • private discussions.

[B2] Brand

  • Do share how the brand determines the needs of its stakeholders

  • Translating the brand mission and values into action:

    • do share the processes used in determining the interest of the stakeholders

  • Explain any other practices and initiatives that the brand conducts to ensure responsibility
    to stakeholders.

  • This could be through:

    • regular meetings,

    • feedback sessions,

    • experience gathering,

    • through online media:

      • owned,

      • earned and/or

      • paid media,

      • public or

      • private discussions.

[C] Impact Level
(Environment, Workplace & Community)


[C1] Submission Guide for Environment Category only

  • Please assess the activities and initiatives that the company has undertaken, which has an impact on the Environment, In terms of:

    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    • Waste Efficiency

    • Energy & Resource Usage

    • Others etc.

  • What are the quantitative and qualitative impacts of these activities and initiatives?

  • How will the company develop positive environmental initiatives in the future?

  • Describe what are the current practices implemented and the effect of such initiatives:

    • Use examples to support these current corporate practices.

    • E.g. any incentives or disincentives imposed for following / not following such corporate practice.

  • Any future plans in place to improve or expand upon current practices?

  • When and how will the company look to implement?

  • Examples may include:

    • Reduce travel,

    • Reusing office materials,

    • Lighting Efficiency and

    • Air Conditioning efficiency.



Submission Guide

(C1) Environment

[C2] Submission Guide for Workplace Category only

  • Please describe the activities and initiatives that the company has undertaken, to ensure a conducive Workplace setting?

  • How does the company make sure that employees are taken care of, in terms of:

    • Mental, physical and social well- being

    • Establishing a safe working environment

    • Forming fair employment practice

    • Developing employee professional skill and competency

  • What are the quantitative and qualitative impacts of these activities and initiatives?

  • How will the company develop positive employment initiatives in the future?

  • Describe what are the current practices implemented and the effect of such initiatives.

    • Use examples to support these current corporate practices.

    • E.g. any incentives or disincentives imposed for following / not following such corporate practice.

  • Any future plans in place to improve or expand upon current practices?

  • When and how will the company look to implement?

  • Examples may include:

    • Employee satisfaction survey,

    • employee appraisal,

    • skills training,

    • career plan?

  • HR Policies:

    • Hiring policies fair (non- discriminatory) practices in place etc.



Submission Guide

(C2) Workplace

[C3] Submission Guide for Community Category only

  • Please describe the efforts that the company has utilized for the development of Community enhancement initiatives:

    • Diverse and inclusive environment

    • Charitable and Social Giving activitie

    • Sourcing from Local Suppliers

    • Supply Chain

  • What are the quantitative and qualitative impacts of these activities and initiatives?

  • Does the company have plans to develop future community initiatives in the future?

  • How does the company engage with the community:

    • e.g. donations, charity drives, through its operational activities. ​

  • What activities does the actively company participate in?

  • Are there future plans in place to expand practices?

  • When and how will the company look to implement them?

  • Local suppliers, responsible sourcing of supplies such as:

    • food produce,

    • Fairtrade

    • CSR and

    • community work organized etc.

(C3) Community

Submission Guide



For your convenience,
we have a downloadable version
of the "Submission-Guidelines" for your PPT Presentation.

<< Do click on the PDF icon on the left

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