Team DashBoard
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#Emerge Stronger Event
[04] Speaker 2
[05] External Links
[06] Public Triggers
If Yes that event is upcoming and Details above are complete,
slide to "Yes".
Event will then appear as "Upcoming Event"
If Webinar is completed (Webinar is over),
slide to "No"
Event will appear as "Completed Webinar"
Upcoming Event?
Show the Event to the public on page
Publish to Public?
Slide to Yes
to publish on #Emerge Stronger Page.
All details must be filled up before publishing
[07] Submit Data to Database
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Please refresh this page to see changes in the "Database Overview" below
To edit any existing event or data,
click on any cell in the "Database Overview" below
After pressing the "Submit" button,
wait for the "Success" message under the button
(might need to click twice on some browsers such as Chrome)